
  • 投稿diba
  • 更新时间2015-09-02
  • 阅读量742次
  • 评分4
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浙江杭州外国语学校 倪 炜

随着意大利籍主裁判里佐利(Nicola Rizzoli)吹响终场哨声,第20届世界杯决赛在里约热内卢的马拉卡纳体育场落下帷幕,德国队最终凭借格策(Mario Gotze)在加时赛中的进球,以1-0击败阿根廷队,获得冠军,捧起大力神杯。一时间,几乎全球的媒体都在报道这一体坛盛事。


Germany Wins FIFA World Cup 2014

Germany are the 2014 FIFA World Cup champions, lifting the Trophy for the fourth time in their history after overcoming Argentina 1-0 courtesy of an extra-time goal by Mario Gotze at the Maracana in Rio de Janeiro[1].


再仔细阅读以下这段文字,我们不难发现,标题中的“Germany”是指德国或德国队,是一个整体,区别于其他国家或队伍,因此,后面的动词用了wins。而正文中的Germany则是指所有德国队的所有球员,相当于“all the soccer players in Team Germany”,他们通过团队合作最终获得了冠军,因此,be动词在这句话中为are。


Germany were crowned world champions for the fourth time as Mario Gotze’s extra-time winner beat Argentina in the 2014 World Cup final[2].

World Cup final: Germany defeats Argentina in extra time [3]

其实,Germany在这几句话中的用法类似于一类集体名词(collective nouns)的用法。这一类集体名词作主语时,如果看作一个整体,谓语动词用单数形式;如果看作一个个具体的成员或组成部分,谓语动词用复数形式。这一类词有“class(班级),crowd,family,team,committee,crew(全体船员或机组人员),government(政府),group,herd,public(公众),army,enemy,audience”(观众,听众)等。例如:

The class is for the plan. 全班都赞同这个计划。(指整体)The class are waiting for her. 全班学生都在等她。(指成员)

The committee consists of ten members. 这个委员会由十人组成。(指整体)The committee are divided in their opinions. 委员们意见有分歧。(指成员)

Tom’s family is rather big. 汤姆的家庭是个大家庭。Tom’s family are film fans. 汤姆一家人都是电影迷。

(all members of Tom’s family)[4]


That group (or platoon or squad) of soldiers is a top-notch fighting unit.


That group (or platoon or squad) of soldiers have the best ratings of individual performance. 这组(排或队)士兵有最好的个人表现。(指成员)

That herd of cows and calves is the healthiest the farm has had in some time.


The herd of cows and calves are moving toward the sheds by twos and threes.





[2]BBC news.http://www.bbc.com/sport/0/football/28181689

[3]CNN news.http://edition.cnn.com/2014/07/13/sport/football/world-cup-final-germany-argentina-football/index.html?hpt=isp_c1


